Submission:  Reotahi –Mt Aubrey Reserve Restoration

Reotahi needs our support! Weed Action is submitting to the Whangārei District Council (WDC) Long Term Plan 2024 – 2034 to have designated and undisputed funding assigned to Reotahi so that weed management planning can be put in place to ensure the integrity of the forest is assured for future generations. A figure of $20,000 […]

Reotahi Working Bee

Reotahi Weed Action Group

Mt Aubrey/Reotahi Reserve is one of the four peaks in Whangarei Heads that is recognised as ecologically significant and is a prime example of Northland coastal podocarp broadleaf forest. Unfortunately the forest is becoming increasingly invaded by environmental weeds, with wild ginger, elaeagnus, cotoneaster, woolly nightshade, taiwan cherry amongst some of the worst offenders that […]